Puffs Ultra Soft Packaging

I put a fresh spin on the classic Puffs Ultra-Soft tissue box with a special focus on girls. Drawing inspiration from the timeless glamour of Marilyn Monroe, I infused the design with her iconic aesthetic - after all, diamonds are a girl's best friend! Using Illustrator and Photoshop, I meticulously reimagined the logo and transformed the box shape into a sleek diamond silhouette. Crafted from glossy cardstock paper and assembled with precision, this tissue box isn't just for utility - it's a statement piece meant to adorn any space with its elegant presence.

Primary Audience

The primary Audience I am targeting is girls/women going through hard times and need a boost of confidence. For example, maybe they just went through a break-up. When deciding the shape of the packaging, I took into account how tissues can be folded in many different ways. Moving forward with form, I decided to go for a diamond shape. With that shape in mind, I wanted to go for a Marilyn Monroe-style tissue box, focusing on pink and blue colors. 

Secondary Audience

My Secondary Audience is a girl/woman who are just looking around target or dollar store and shopping without a single purpose who just really likes the look of the tissue box. I created the tissue box to be out of the ordinary and cute to keep on someone’s desk. 

Color Studies




Logo Studies

Final Logo

Type Studies